Author Topic: Why notepad changes its template like font for all if i change it in one file  (Read 7562 times)

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Offline jraju

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Hi, it is weird.
i selected one srt file and edited the contents in notepad and saved the file.
i have changed the font size from default to custom size.
i saved it.
When i open, other text files, notepad does not show normal font size, but changed to the cusomized font for all the files.
why and what is the fix for it
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Offline Boggin

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It's because you've changed the format of the media that those files open in that the same will apply to all docs viewed in that media.

I think Wordpad may be the same, although I don't have anything to try in it.

You may have to use a free word processing package like Libre Office so that each document has its own format.

Offline jraju

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The weird thing i noticed is , when i changed the font in msword and then copied it to the notepad, it takes notepad default font size and that is the problem. If suppoose , i edit a srt file, all the srt files changes to that font size and not ony those srt files , all the notepad files having  .txt extension becomes to show font size as the cusomized font for the one file.
I think, there may be a fix, but it eludes
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Boggin

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If you format the media to a different format in which they were created, then they'll display in that media's format.

Why are you using a different media to view the docs in ?

I keep a number of useful websites listed in two Wordpad docs and have the font set to New Times Roman 12cpi so whichever of those two docs I use, they will display in that format.

Wordpad will probably have corresponding fonts to most word processor programs whereas Notepad seems to be quite limited.