Author Topic: File in wrong directory  (Read 12136 times)

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Offline Willy2

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File in wrong directory
« on: August 29, 2022, 05:23:24 am »
- I ran WR v4.12.3 (yes, I know. This is not the latest version. v4.13.0 is the latest available version) and noticed that WR puts the file "_Windows_Repair_log.txt" in the folder "C:\users\<- username ->\downloads" on my Windows 7 system.

I thought this file would be placed in a subfolder of the "c:\program files......\" folder.

Perhaps this bug is also present in the latest version of WR ????

Offline Boggin

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Re: File in wrong directory
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 01:18:15 am »
I haven't had a chance to check it on my Win 7 yet but in Win 11 it puts it into C:\Documents/Windows Files x86

However, I'm using v4.13.0 so couldn't say if it would be any different with an earlier version.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 02:08:42 am by Boggin, Reason: Typo »

Offline Willy2

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Re: File in wrong directory
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2022, 04:11:11 am »
- I must add some additional info. It looks like that I downloaded that version of WR and it was downloaded to that folder:

      c:\users\<----- username ------>\downloads\"  folder.

It seems the file was opened in / from that folder and then installed to "C\program files\................. ". But that one file mentioned above was placed in the subfolder "_windows_repair_log" that was created when I ran WR. Seems that one systemvariable inside WR still pointed to the wrong folder (" ........\downloads\" (see above).

- Does it matter that I have a dutch Windows 7 system ? Because when WR tries to repair the "Reparse Points" then it always fails to do so. I blame that on having a dutch (!!!!) windows 7 system.

Offline Boggin

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Re: File in wrong directory
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2022, 12:56:24 am »
I wouldn't have thought so but I'll pass this onto Shane with a link to your thread.