« on: March 01, 2013, 10:26:29 am »
Hi, This is typically all about. I have given a forwarding address to the third party , who will give email alerts on my mobile. So, whenever i receive an email, it will send the email alert about the subject and from whom i am getting. It was a reputed site, so i opted for this facility.
If suppose, i remove the forwarding address, will i be getting my emails, as before? Oh i was using this for more than 2 years, and there seemed no problem. But for the past few days, i could not send or open the email . How to do it to restore to normal email alerts only in computer. Will it be possible to stop them from recieving my mails or would they try to mess up the things that altogether i would not be able to read any incoming email. Thanks for the rocket reliable replies