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General Computer Support / Re: Check disk
« on: April 03, 2019, 04:09:21 am »
Thanks, Tom! So glad I know how to clean my desktop/laptop and do the SIB!  :cheesy:

General Computer Support / Re: Check disk
« on: April 03, 2019, 02:03:32 am »
Okay, I will use chkdsk /f from now on. I see the difference now.

I don't understand what you mean by "min" parameter. Could you rephrase?

You once told me that you always make sure that your programs are updated before you make a system image backup. Now most programs are set to automatically update by default (or by prompting us) but the other day I saw that my VLC media player needed an update. I don't suppose you go through all your programs to see if there's an update available. So do you use a program for that or how do you do that?

General Computer Support / Check disk (solved)
« on: April 01, 2019, 04:10:32 am »
Hello Boggin and everybody else,

How are you all doing? I hope you're well.  It's been a while since I was here. Very few IT problems off late, so wonderful.  :cheesy:

I was making my monthly System Image Backups yesterday and running chkdsk in the command prompt. As usual there were no issues but then I wondered if chkdsk /f would run differently, so this morning I tried it out on my laptop. I found the log, see attachment, and I read through it and noticed that it did some cleaning of unused entries. Does that mean that chkdsk /f does more than just chkdsk? If so, I will run that in future. I was running only chkdsk as that is faster.  :smiley:

As always, grateful for your effort.


General Computer Support / Re: Win7 system repair disk error
« on: November 17, 2017, 09:58:01 am »
Here two more solutions are being given. It's a bit over my head, but I'm posting it for anyone interested, for this is an issue for a lot of people.

General Computer Support / Win7 system repair disk error
« on: November 14, 2017, 04:09:17 am »
Hello everybody,

This has been a recurring issue for me and I haven't found a solution yet. When I try to make a system repair disk on my Win7 desktop I always get the error code 0x80070057. This is a well-known issue, I read endlessly through posts online from people with the same problem and there didn't seem to be a solution.

But now I think I found one. I read: "If you are unable to boot your Windows 7 to create a Windows 7 System Repair Disc, then you could create it on another computer to use on your computer." Is that correct? That would be the easiest option. Apart from finding someone with a Win7 64 bit pc.  :smiley:

Also, in the meantime, I made a system repair disk using Macrium Reflect Free where they are called rescue media. Does that mean I can leave the error issue with the Windows disk alone? Or does it imply there's something wrong with the files needed?

Just now I found this solution which supposedly works, but wouldn't dare do this without somebody here commenting on it:

command prompt (user) > type

winmgmt /verifyrepository
winmgmt /salvagerepository

if that doesn't work, try

net stop winmgmt
cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
ren repository repository.old
net start winmgmt

Anybody any comments on this?


Everything Else / BullGuard uses Windows Firewall now
« on: September 08, 2017, 10:31:04 am »
Hello everyone,

Just to inform anybody who is using BullGuard Internet Security program: they have changed their firewall and it is now only a layer on top of Windows firewall. That explains why you cannot turn off the Windows Firewall when you notice it is running again (which I had). Or you might get a warning from Windows firewall while you thought you had it turned off.

Here's the whole discussion:

It is still unsure whether this "double" firewall could create conflicting issues. I'm trying to find out whether this could be the cause of intermittent slowness I'm experiencing once again. I am in contact with MBAM about this and will keep you posted. To make matters more insecure: BG will be releasing an upgrade soon, so we have to see how their firewall will be configured then. Some people say they are being duped as they are only getting an extra layer on top of their built-in firewall while they were promised a "potent firewall". I can see that, but I think BG had no choice as they seemingly had issues with the old configuration. And the upgrade might show a new BG-only firewall again.

This is as far as I understood the above-mentioned thread. I'm not an IT person and didn't understand all that was said there, so don't shoot me.  :cheesy:

Hope to have been of help.


General Computer Support / Re: (Solved) Firefox has disappeared
« on: August 30, 2017, 03:05:02 pm »

General Computer Support / Re: Firefox has disappeared
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:18:31 am »
I'm still humble, but I do think I deserved a karma point here.  :smiley:

General Computer Support / Re: Firefox has disappeared
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:14:28 am »
I didn't want to install FF anew as the date of the Profile folder was of February 2016, so I thought it was old data and I would lose a lot of my data using the Profile. That's why I tried to use system restore.

Now I learned that the date of the FF Profile folder is not the same as the date of its files. The files show dates up to the deletion day, so that meant that the profile was okay. So I installed FF (didn't have to uninstall what was left of FF) and everything was FINE. FF returned as if nothing had happened. Still don't know what that pop-up was about which made FF disappear, well, which made me make that mistake, probably.

So that is how the Profile works. That is a superduper invention!  :cheesy:  Once you know how it works though.....  :confused:

General Computer Support / Re: Firefox has disappeared
« on: August 29, 2017, 01:06:09 am »
I posted on the FF support forum. Am thinking about re-installing FF using the profile but I have some issues with that.

General Computer Support / Re: Firefox has disappeared
« on: August 28, 2017, 03:23:25 pm »
I think I know what happened. I remember getting a Firefox update yesterday. Then seeing a pop-up with Mozilla files. I didn't know what to do, thought they were old or remnant files and clicked on delete. Today FF was gone. I retrieved a lot of files from the recycle bin but FF still didn't work. Firefox.exe is gone. In Programs and Features it looks as if FF is still there, 121 Mb, latest version, installed yesterday.

Just now I tried to do a system restore point but it failed several times. I uninstalled my AV program BullGuard, deactivated MBAM, still nothing. The error code is 0x80070005. I read posts by people with the same error code and they tried so much to get the system restore to work but without any luck. Can anyone help?

The only problem I have with just installing FF anew is that I'd have lost my History. Does anyone know a way to retrieve my History? Which folder/file that might contain?

General Computer Support / (Solved) Firefox has disappeared
« on: August 28, 2017, 05:20:13 am »

On my desktop I cannot open Firefox. When I clicked on the icon it said the shortcut had disappeared or been relocated. I checked the program file folder and only the browser and defaults folders are visible but empty. What in the world has happened here?? I can do a system restore but I'd rather wait for you guys. Maybe you know how to solve this otherwise.


Everything Else / Free viewing of astonishing documentary
« on: July 11, 2017, 07:02:20 am »
Hi everybody!

I'd like to hand this to you as I wish for everybody to be (more) healthy and to know what's really going on in the medical world. This is a professional 9 part documentary about cancer and, starting July 11th, 9 pm est, we can have free access to all episodes during 9 days, one a day.

I already watched it several times and I believe everybody who can think out-of-the-box should watch this. It's very empowering as it shows how much is possible and how much has been researched, tested and proven to work. And this goes not only for cancer but for every (chronic) ailment. It shows how cancer is caused and how it can be cured and prevented but also the criminal role Big Pharma plays.

Here's the link:

If you use an adblocker, you have to disable it, otherwise you won't be able to enter you e-mail address.

It's a must-see!

General Computer Support / USB stick and HD storage and protection
« on: July 09, 2017, 09:29:24 am »
Hello again,

I'm thinking about buying a pretty large USB stick (128 or 256 Gb) and an external HD to use as an archive for older administration and personal files. Searched the net for a long time and got a bit lost. There's so much out there. Could anyone help me out? I'm not interested in speed but in durability and reliability. My most important question concerns privacy. What is better: a USB stick/HD with software for password and encryption included or a plain one on which I can put protection software? There are much more plain ones to choose from. I read that Rohos Mini Drive is freeware protection software. Is that any good?

And can someone explain to me the difference between hardware and software encryption? I read this but I didn't understand it:

For password protected ones I picked the Sandisk and the WD:

The HD is also supposed to travel with me and my laptop, as a general backup, that's why I chose the 2 Tb.

What do you think?



General Computer Support / Re: No antivirus software necessary?
« on: May 04, 2017, 10:59:53 am »
I haven't tried out herdprotect yet but I just heard there's a bit of a problem with quite a number of false positives.

I asked BullGuard about its impact on the system and they confirmed that it's lighter now due to the new firewall. Good news!

General Computer Support / Re: No antivirus software necessary?
« on: May 02, 2017, 12:22:39 pm »
Thanks, Boggin, that rules out AVG, we don't want extra browser add-ons we don't ask for. :)

Bonsoir Monsieur Still_Game, thank you for your answer. I've been a huge fan of MBAM for years and haven't had problems with 3.0 other than that the pop-up window didn't want to change back to the smaller size once I made it full-screen (told them but it's still the case). Another IT person just told me of conflicting issues between Avast and MBAM but I'm sure you know the easy solution to this: putting both folders in each others' exclusion lists. :)

That's good to know, that a multilayer defence is still preferred, even by the MBAM people. I don't know why I'm always wary about beta versions. Should I be?

Right now I think I'll continue with BullGuard. It seems to be somewhat lighter now. In Process Explorer MBAM is now second behind Firefox and BG is 7th. It's a really good and reliable program and its customer service is the best.

I recommend regular backups to separate media, a multilayered approach and, above all, being eternally vigilant for suspect content!

Of course! :artist:

And what about Portable, so it's very light. Looks like a very handy extra tool! Maybe even better than ESET online scanner?

General Computer Support / Re: No antivirus software necessary?
« on: May 01, 2017, 01:47:33 pm »
Hi Boggin,

Thanks for responding. But I mean not in general using an AV next to MBAM but now that they claim it's not necessary anymore. It's right on their start page:

And what do you mean by "becoming bloated"?

Hello again,

Hope you guys are fine. :)

I use MBAM Premium. With their latest version 3.0 they claim that you don't need an antivirus software program anymore. What do you think about that? My license with BullGuard is about to end, so I have to make this decision. Maybe a free (and much lighter) program like AVG or Avira is still a good idea to have alongside MBAM?

Grateful as always,


General Computer Support / ProtonMail
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:09:42 pm »
For a while now I've wanted to stop using Outlook as my e-mailprovider for their "reading" of all my mails. I've done some research and so far the best option seems to be ProtonMail. I don't mind paying for my privacy. Does anyone have any experience, good or bad, with ProtonMail?

I also have one Gmail account for my Android phone. So the same goes for Gmail. But is it true that I cannot use my phone without a Gmail account?


Okay, I guess it will remain a mystery then. I'll let it go and pray this will never happen to me again.

Thank you, Boggin.

I'm afraid I don't dare touch any drivers right now.

I just want to know, if possible, what caused my drivers to not be recognized. See my last paragraph in my previous post.

Still wanting to know what happened, I came across this from someone whose keyboard wasn't recognized either and if I understand correctly they rebooted in Safe Mode as well. And interestingly I have a Microsoft keyboard too.

This was the question:

I am currently working with Falcon Techs on a few issues with my Falcon.  It is running Win7 x64 and has lost the driver(s) for the Microsoft Natural Keyboard 4000 (USB).  We keep ending up with a can't find drivers error.
We have cleaned out the registry, device manager, and uninstalled Intellipoint.  When you look for drivers at Microsoft the only offering is Intellipoint.  However, I suspect the actual driver is located in Win7 and not Intellipoint.

This was the solution:

The drivers were in fact still within Win7 but Win7 refused to see them.  By rebooting into windows in the special menu (from F8 menu) that disables Windows from dealing with drivers' certificates, Windows was then able to see the driver(s) already stored in the Win kbd drivers and reinstalll them. Intellitype was already reinstalled, but it appears to have not contained the driver(s).

I don't understand all of this but does this help you in understanding why my keyboard worked in Safe Mode?

I also looked at the Windows system logfiles of that moment. Two things went wrong as I was doing things too fast: the update of AnyVideoConverter and the re-installation of ESET, which caused at least one application hang. Could that have affected my keyboard drivers?

I understand it's tricky when the keyboard doesn't work in Safe Mode but that person assured me it would and it did. So I cannot tell you why F8 worked. I didn't have any other option left but re-install....  So I dived.  :cheesy: Sometimes brave people get karma points.   :wink:

I'm attaching a picture of the start page, not mine, just one I plucked from the net. It's the red button in the down right corner. If you click on the circle the pc shuts down. More options under the arrow. I don't know the exact English words but you'll get it. With the mouse then you can select shutting down or reboot and another one or two, don't remember. If only the keyboard works you can get to the red button to shut down by using the tab key. I guess it's healthier for the pc to shut down like this than pressing the power button on the case. I hope that was clear.

Don't tell me I just told YOU something you didn't know.

In my post about using the converter I got all confused from the stress, but I know what the PS ports look like, I had them on my previous desktop and was sorry they weren't on this one as it cost me 2 usb ports.

On the start screen where I had to log in I clicked with my mouse on the button down to the right to do a reboot and pressed F8. Apparently the keyboard works again in Safe Mode. That was my next question to you guys. How is that possible when the keyboard drivers are deleted or distorted?

Hey Samson, I just ran the anyvideoconverter site and download thru VirusTotal and they came out fine. I kind of remember when updating anyaudioconverter in the past that MBAM picked out the OpenCandy there but I just downloaded anyaudioconverter on my laptop and only Unchecky picked out something unwanted (sorry, already forgot what). I'm always a bit careful with these two programs but in the meantime have used them for years.

And would an OpenCandy or something similar mess with my keyboard drivers?

Oh, I just found out I had two different versions of the same anyvideoconverter. Uninstalled one. Maybe they conflicted during the update? I heard that updates can corrupt drivers.

Anyway, I'm SO glad I can type to you!  :cheesy:

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