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Topics - utbas1953

Pages: [1]
General Computer Support / MailStore Home setup
« on: September 18, 2018, 12:44:45 pm »
Hello ALL. I want to know the EXACT steps to take to be able to archive and also export Mozilla Thunderbird emails.  I have read the info on MailStore website but just cannot work out the steps.  Thanks.

General Computer Support / [SOLVED] W10 Unmountable Boot Volume
« on: May 26, 2018, 02:49:26 pm »
Hello All, my W10 desktop computer has glitched with the 'unmountable boot volume' error and I have been Googling to find the info on how to resolve the issue. I have a usb stick ready and have downloaded the MS Media Creation Tool onto this W10 laptop I am currently using. I also printed out the instructions of the procedure. I have read of another set of instructions that differ from those I printed. I ran the tool as administrator but because I did not see the accept/deny function or the decision to select if I wanted the result to be used on another PC I stopped the immediate action of the apparent setting up of installing windows. Never having this boot error in the past I am loathe to progress until I know clearly every absolute step to correctly take. Can anyone please give me with this. Thanks. 

General Computer Support / SOLVED Lenovo hardware for my computer
« on: March 24, 2018, 06:51:17 am »
Hello All, I have a Lenovo laptop and also a desktop (which I am typing this on now).  The desktop shut down 12 days ago due to the PSU failure so I sent the computer off for repair under the insurance policy. Yesterday I connected it up and of course there were a few W10 updates to install. What has happened and I can't fathom it out is that the desktop now has an impending install of a Lenovo keyboard and mouse install. Device manager show the correctly attached Logitech keyboard and mouse I have always used. I have a sharing folder with the Lenovo laptop and also my wife's ASUS desktop and have had no problems since doing so some 21 months ago. Can anyone shed some light on why. Please see enclosed screen grab. thanks.   

General Computer Support / SOLVED Runtime Broker.exe App error
« on: November 01, 2017, 01:09:00 pm »
Hello All, I updated this laptop to the Fall Creator on 19th of last month and the result is that clicking on the Action Center in the taskbar shows all the icons are ghosted although receiving notifications works. In various attempts to open the Action Center a panel opens up with info on the problem. Appcrash shows more detail. I have a separate Setting icon on the taskbar and clicking on that just calls up the blue background with the cog image on it for a few seconds and then closes down again. This also throws up an appcrash. The Action Center will open up but only in safe mode. When I initially updated to the Fall Creator it worked as normal and a few minutes later another two Window updates installed resulting in the problems. I thought at first that perhaps these may have glitched so I uninstalled them and within a few minutes Windows updated re-installed them again. I have run the sfc scannow with repairs, disk check and both came up clean. The computer works as normal in all other respects barring the Action Center problem.I am at a loss of how to rectify it. Here are screen grabs and text file that may hopefully help you good folk out there to stop me bashing my head against the wall. I have Shane's Window Repairs but have not tried effect a repair as I am not a techie. Thanks.

Everything Else / Compromised Data
« on: September 05, 2017, 09:29:15 am »
Hello Shane, Boggin and Julian. I was previously a Member under the last 6 characters of my now new name.  On the 28th of last month my previous email and various passwords were compromised by the Onliner Spambot  that harvested about 7 million hits.  None of mine were money oriented but I changed the 4 affected passwords to extra strong 20 characters. My previous username and password on here were compromised although the email wasn't hence my current changeover. Early last year I signed up for a free account with Have I Been Pwned (Troy Hunt) to be notified if my data ever became compromised.  The Spambot did not attack personal computers but accessed the data on websites that must have been open to such an attack. All my data is held within RoboForm and as I printed out the data I was able to markup those passwords and usernames that were affected.  Just one thing I would like your help on. In setting up this new account  it took me first to the website page and I had to click on the Forum link to be able to sign on here whereas my previous setting up an account brought me straight to the forum page. Thanks.

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