Disable or Enable Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
1.0.0 – For all versions of Windows
Disable or Enable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) will allow a user to turn DEP on or off easily. DEP can cause some programs to crash, so you may need to turn it off. As a plus, you can still enable DEP with this tool for a system where Windows grays out DEP. DEP will still be grayed out, but it will be working.
Note: I must keep DEP off on my system, as some older programs I use will work. With DEP activated, these older programs crash.

Shane Croft
Verified at:
07/07/2023 07:48
Shane is the former creator of most Tweaking.com tools.He’s been addicted to Windows computers since 1995, but still craves to learn Linux and Apple as well. Highly experienced in Visual Basic 6 since 2000, Shane Croft moved to .NET and developed several other tools such as CleanMem, PortForwarding, Simple Ping and more. Find more about him at www.pcwintech.com/about
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