1.0.0 – For all versions of Windows
The Kill Frozen Programs software was made with fellow gamers in mind. There have many many games that I have played that will crash or lock up. The problem is when they do this, the game window stays open, and you can’t get back to the desktop.
Nothing I did could get the desktop to come back. Even using Ctrl + Alt + Delete wouldn’t get the task manager to open. This is because the game was set to be on top of everything else. So the only option was to restart the computer.
Now with this Kill Frozen Programs app, you can hit the Global Keys on the keyboard you set. The program will loop through all the processes on the system, killing any that are not responding. Now you can get back to the desktop when a game crashes and no longer have to reboot.

Shane Croft
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07/07/2023 07:48
Shane is the former creator of most Tweaking.com tools.He’s been addicted to Windows computers since 1995, but still craves to learn Linux and Apple as well. Highly experienced in Visual Basic 6 since 2000, Shane Croft moved to .NET and developed several other tools such as CleanMem, PortForwarding, Simple Ping and more. Find more about him at www.pcwintech.com/about
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